finally shahril's assesments r over. finally. aihh betapa susahnya nk menguatkan hati menghabiskan objek2 aneh utk sebuah assesment. especially when theres not much ppl in d class, n they r not working in a design studio ( i sooooooo missed studio life eventho its kind of smelly hahihoho). poor hubby he's kind of miserable towards d day of d prezentation. but thank god evrything is completed by morning, n his project turn out pretty good. :) . so, we r sooooo gonna spoil ourselves this few months ( FEW MONTHS). hahahoho. yesterdy we've alrdy rented some movies (i finally get to watch sex n the city d movie). we rented house season 3 (gregory house reminds me much of encik muta'ali othman, tp house adalah lebih hensem dgn mata birunya. sori cik tat. hahahohoho). we also managed to get something for ourselves from the op shop yesterday :
dont u guys just love old books? d illustrations, d yellowish paper, d smell. kan kan. except for the silverfish. ekhheuw. i run out of books to read alrdy. im not actually a serious reader, just to fill in free time when not sewing or sleeping or youtubing antm. when i was little i used to read enid blyton's (d folk of faraway tree, d cat with a feathery tail, n lots more), and there's harry potter and some stephen king's at home. i choose books to read depending by their cover (most of them have white background for d cover hohohoho). what kind of book interests you?
(ex libris adalah tidak berkaitan langsung dgn exorcism)
cute cute
dis looks like charles, eh?

there's a few stories in this book.
and d best part is, it costs only one australian dollar = about rm3. hahohoho.
another good bargain we had yesterday is dis :

i think dis map is not dat old pun. maybe he's even a repro. tapi die menarik sebagai plan jangka panjang (for our house which has not even exist). d shop sells dis for $2.50, but upon paying, d shopkeeper gave us discount becoz d map is torn. jadik kami hanya bayar 50cent utk map ini. hahahohohihihi.
plan-plan lain utk cuti kali ini adalah seperti berikut :
1) pergi berbaring2 di pasir di pantai sambil men'tan' kan kulit dgn cahaya uv
2) bercucuk tanam dan menebang pokok2 buluh di belakang rumah
3) mengemaskini laman dihadapan rumah
4) meng'make over' blog sendiri dan blog kumpat yg dh bersawang
5) dan bemacam2 lagi
jadik itu sahaja utk review pembelian op shop kali ini. esok kami akan meneruskan my aussie adventure kami ke ballarat utk jalan jalan cari kanggaru bersama rakan2 sepermainan yg lain. if possible, im gonna check poket kanggaru utk zati, sama ada ia benar2 wujud dan bagaimanakah rupa sebenarnya. eda pula akan menyahut cabaran mencium beruang koala (aku tuntut haa). kayla mungkin akan memperagakan kostum kanggaru bersama pasangan sehidup sematinya, radzi. baik, sehingga ketemu di lebaran diari elektronik yg lain. enjoy ur weekend ya. ciao!